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Per Mare Per Terram - By Sea By Land

The Royal Marine has physically one of the toughest specialist infantry training regimes in the world to prepare any Marine to fight anywhere in the world by sea or by land.


After completing a series of interviews, medical tests, psychometric tests and a pre-joined fitness test, he was successfully enrolled to the next stage: a 3-day course called PRMC - Potential Royal Marine Course.


Then he went next to the basic recruit training at the Commando Training Centre for Royal Marines at Lympstone, Devon, where recruits from all over the world undergo 32 weeks of training.


Williams, who was only 16 when he joined, had a 4 year contract. 



"As all the runs and marches, the speed march ends at the Commando Training Centre. This march is 9 miles long and must take no longer than 90 minutes while carrying a 30-pound kit. You run as a group and if the man behind you fail you have to run again."


                                                      - D. Williams
